View Profile Lucitech
It's never as sweet as it seems...

Age 32, Male


Joined on 11/27/06

Exp Points:
11,240 / 11,370
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Vote Power:
7.38 votes
Police Sergeant
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Latest News


You've seen it right, people. I'm going to the next level. No more sprite movies of Phoenix Wright, but instead a game.
And I'm going to give a shot at probably the most addicting kind of them, a defense game.
This is a bit of an ambitious project though, for I am going to add a full sized campaign and save option.
Thanks to the BBS for a quick respond at my questions, I now have probably all I need to know to get on and make the game already.

To give you a bit of an idea what it's going to be, I'll give a quick summary:
You are a soldier in a greatly outnumbered futuristic army. However, your side has a special weapon, the Boltgun Turret. This is the defence/offence weapon you will use to destroy the huge amount of enemies there is to face. There will be different commanders to battle, all with different styles and powers. All to rid the planet of your vicious enemy.

The game will not be completed anytime soon, but I will frequently work on it and might post an update or demo on my NG-Blog if I feel like it.

Well, a good day to you, Newgrounders!
Until next time, L

Game development!

Recent Game Medals

13,980 Points

4 Levels 5 Points

Complete 4 levels.

Blue Eye 10 Points

Gain the ability to see into the Blue Dimension

Be the Story 10 Points

You have written the story for the news to print, off to the press we go!

ROLL ONCE 50 Points

Roll it one time.

The City (Easy) 5 Points

Completed "The City" on easy difficulty

The Hills (Easy) 5 Points

Completed "The Hills" on easy difficulty

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Starting Out 5 Points

Complete five missions

Latest Shared Creations


Added to syncdata for Talk Head Oct 10, 2012.

Look over there!

Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 22, 2010.